The labor problems have been handled successfully during the war period and it is believed that the eight-hour day will remain. There does not seem to be any general desire on the part of lumbermen to disturb the existing relations with employees. The immense amount of advertising which has been given Washington fir and spruce through its use in shipbuilding and airplanes has already resulted in a heavier demand for spruce than has heretofore existed. Another very important field which has scarcely been touched is that of paper and pulp. With the available timber here for such use, and its scarcity and rapidly diminishing quantity in other parts of the country, it is believed that within a very short time, due to the abundance of timber and low cost water-power, this section will furnish a large amount of the paper and pulp that is used in the United States. But few people in the eastern part of the country realize the enormous assets of this section in its timber resources, but it is felt that as this fact becomes known greater utilization of it will be made, with the result that added industries will come here to make use of these resources. THE LOG POOL AND THE STANLEY SMITH MILL, HOOD RIVER CO., WITH A SECTION OF THE FLUME IN THE FOREGROUND |