Gambar halaman
[blocks in formation]

Quotations are approximate. All stocks $100 par value unless otherwise specified.

*Cumulative. †Ex-Dividend. A. Listed on London Stock Exchange. B. Listed on Boston Stock Exchange. L. Listed on Louisville, Ky. Stock Exchange. N. Common shares have no par value. X. Ex-rights. #Paid during 1918.


Missing: Three copies of Gebhart's Steam Power Plant Engineering. See if you can locate any of them. They are much needed by the library for general service.

Office and Community Management

A book by Professor Lee Galloway entitled "Office Management: Its Principles and Practice," published by the Ronald Press in 1918, is full of good suggestions. It covers organization, arrangement and operation, with special consideration of the employment of office workers, and the table of contents includes about 700 items under 42 department headings. Here are some of the headings and sub-headings:

Use of Symbols to Designate Duties

Analysis of Reasons for Absences from Department

Noise, Dust, and Odors

The Scope of Duplicating Devices

The Speed and Accuracy of the Photostat

Bookkeeping Machines

Tabulating Machines

Index File and Memorandum Tickler

The Mail Clerk's Opportunities and Responsibilities
Magazine Delivery Service


Standardization and Centralization

Heat, Ventilation and Humidity

Points to Consider in the Selection of Stenographers

Disadvantages of Separate Stenographic Force for Each Department
Responsibility for Punctuation, Errors, etc.

Keeping Track of Stock

Simple Tests as to Education

Dictophone Operator Training

Poor Command of Language a Handicap

Function of Speech in Business

Form of Vacation Schedule

With all these suggestions as to how to run the office, are we not minded that we need a book of suggestions as to how to run the community? Perhaps a book of this community advice will develop as the community center plan has been more and more tried out. The undertaking that is being started by librarians, of which Mr. C. F. D. Belden, head of the Boston Public Library, is committee chairman, may help much to stimulate community interest. The scheme is to have every library a "long distance" one, so that your public library should put

you in the way of getting what you are after, even if the question cannot be answered by books. You may be deciding on weather strips for your house, for instance. The public library should tell you where to find the person who can give you impartial advice on weather strips, and so with stoves, automobiles, hotels, summer resorts, treatises on chemistry, etc. Questions of this kind you are continually asking of your friends and acquaintances, and business is built up on asking intelligent questions that one does not expect to find in books. Why not, then, systematize the people who know things and encourage each one to know more than he does on some subject concerning which he will be looked to as an authority? Such apportionment of specialties is likely to follow the announcement of this bold scheme which is now afoot. A great number of people get into the habit of insisting that their libraries shall tell them who's who in information, and they will likewise acquire the habit of insisting on having the best, whether in articles of commerce or in management of the community.


















Recent Accessions

(10) Civil Engineering

Effect of time of mixing on the strength of concrete. D. A. Abrams.
Chicago, 1918. 24p, 9x12. V*0772.Ab2835
Standard specifications and tests for Portland cement...revised,
1917. Spanish-English edition... Bureau of Foreign and Domes-
tic Commerce... Wash., 1918. 47p, 6x9. *6890. C73.077.No. 1
Same for carbon steel rails, open-hearth steel girder and high tee
rails, low-carbon steel splice bars, high-carbon steel splice bars,
structural steel for bridges, structural steel for buildings, struc-
tural steel for locomotives, carbon steel bars for railway springs,
carbon steel and alloy steel forgings, axles...

Water powers of Province of Quebec. A. Amos. Department of
Lands and Forests. [Translated from the French.] Quebec, 1917.
59p, 7x10, illus., map. *7260.L23.0732

The new Manitoba District, Canada: its resources and development... Department of the Interior, Canada. 1918. 43p, 6x10, illus. *7240. C16.02

The relative corrosion of cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel pipe in
house-drainage system. W. P. Gerhard. 34p, 6x9, illus. *6950.072
"Port Development Number" of Current Affairs, Jan. 6, 1919:
containing articles by Andrew J. Peters and others. 32p, 11x13},
illus. V*94j-caf

Building operations in the larger cities in 1917. J. Middleton...
U. S. Geological Survey. Wash., 1918. (17p), 6x9. *6874.075b
Industrial buildings. Stone & Webster. Boston [c1918]. 121p, 74x6,
illus. *610.In23

(20) Electrical Engineering

Wire system: discussion of electrical intelligence. Letter of T. N.
Vail in response to request of Hon. J. A. Moon...[1918]. 29p, 6x9.

Electrolysis and its mitigation... Technologic Paper No. 52, 2d
ed. U. S. Bureau of Standards. Wash., 1918. 137p, 7x10, illus.
*6898.Tp52.2d ed.

Proceedings of second War Convention, National Electric Light Association: 41st convention... Atlantic City, N. J., June 13-14, 1918. 622p, 6x9, illus. *6921.1918

The decrease in ultra-violet and total radiation with usage of quartz mercury vapor lamps. W. W. Coblentz... Scientific Paper of Bureau of Standards, No. 330. Wash., 1918. 20p, 7x10. *6898.Sp330

Interim report on electric power supply in Great Britain: Reconstruction Committee; Coal Conservation Sub-Committee... London, 1918. 28p, 8x13. *7200.072

(30) Mechanical (40) Mining

Industrial sites along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Published by Industrial Department of Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, Richmond, Va. nd. 128p, 7x10, illus., maps. *027.C4242 The Diesel engine: its fuels and its uses. H. Haas... U. S. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 156. Petroleum Technology No. 44. Wash., 1918. 133p, 6x9, illus. *6876.B156

Toluol recovery. R. S. McBride and others. Technologic Paper No. 117. U. S. Bureau of Standards. Wash., 1918. 60p, 7x10. *6898. Tp117














Mineral industries of the United States. Power: its significance and needs. C. G. Gilbert and J. E. Pogue. Smithsonian Inst., Bull. 102, Part 5. Wash., 1918. 53p, 6x9, map. *6805. B102. Pt. 5

(50) Railways

Railway track and track work. E. E. Russell Tratman. 3d ed.,
fully revised. New York, 1909. 520p, 6x9, illus. *07126.T69.1909
The story of the Cedar Valley Road: electric freight haulage.
Special Publication 1575. Dec., 1917. Westinghouse Electric
and Manufacturing Co. Cumberland, Md., nd. 84p, 84x11, illus.
V*07122. W52

First annual report of War Board... American Electric Railway
Association for the year ending Oct. 31, 1918. 34p, 6x9. *6940.

Historical sketch of government ownership of railroads in foreign
countries. W. M. Acworth. 63p, 6x9. *022. Ac9h

(74) Financial

Bank and trade acceptances. The National Shawmut Bank of
Boston. [c1918]. 20p, 6x9. *025. N3575ac

Distribution of U. S. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness: in
anticipation of the fifth Liberty Loan. Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston. [1919]. 29p, 6x9. *025.F317

Annual report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas... year ending Aug. 31, 1918. Austin, nd. 150p, 6x9. *5200.C739.1918

A creditor country. G. E. Roberts. [An address before The Investment Bankers' Association of America, Dec. 10, 1918.] New York, nd. 18p, 6x9. *025.R542

Highway cost keeping. J. J. Tobin and A. R. Losh... U. S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Bull. No. 660. Wash., 1918. 52p, 6x9.

Price readjustment. B. M. Anderson, Jr. Dec., 1918. National
Bank of Commerce in New York. 10p, 6x9. *025.An23

The New York State Legislative Budget and Financial Measures
for 1918. No. 93. Issued by Bureau of Municipal Research and
Training School for Public Service. New York, 1918. 125p, 6x9.
*1700. M9252.03

(75) Annual Reports

79 Annual Report of Director of Bureau of Standards...for fiscal year ended June 30, 1918. Wash., 1918. 206p, 6x9. *6898.1918 Annual reports of the Secretary of Navy for fiscal years 1917 and 1918. U. S. Navy Department. Wash., 1917. 105p, 6x9.*6860. 1917, also *6860.1918








Annual report of Secretary of War, 1918. Wash., 1918. 141p, 6x9, *6830. 1918.

Report of the Librarian of Congress and report of the Superinten-
dent of the library building and grounds...for fiscal year ending
June 30, 1918. Wash., 1918. 191p, 6x9, illus. *6808.1918
Annual report of the National Forest Reservation Commission for
fiscal year ended June 30, 1918. U. S. Congress. Wash., 1918. 11p,
6x9. *6800.F76. 1918

Fifth biennial report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the
State of Texas, 1917-18. Austin, 1918. 32p, 6x9, *5202.1917-18
A brief review of our work for the year 1917-18. Associated Chari-
ties of Boston. unp. 3x6. *1461. As7. 1917-18

(77) Public Utilities

Conditions which preclude efficiency and economy in governmental operation of public utilities. F. B. DeBerand. nd. 30p, 6x9. *039.D351

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