United States Official Postal Guide

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Halaman iii - A letter composed of two pieces of paper, is charged with double these rates; of three pieces, with triple ; and of four pieces, with quadruple. " One or more pieces of paper, mailed as a letter, and weighing one mince, shall be charged with quadruple postage ; and at the same rate, should the weight be greater.
Halaman iii - Every printed pamphlet or magazine which contains more than twenty-four pages, on a royal sheet, or any sheet of less dimensions, shall be charged by the sheet ; and small pamphlets, printed on a half or quarter sheet, of royal or less size, «hall be charged with half the amount of postage charged on a full sheet.
Halaman iii - Ij cents per sheet. Over 100 miles, 2£ do. do. Pamphlets not published periodically, not exceeding 100 miles, 4 do. do. Over 100 miles, 6 do. do. " Every printed pamphlet or magazine which contains more than twenty-four pages...
Halaman 36 - Avon Berlin Bloomfield Bristol Burlington Canton East Granby East Hartford East Windsor Enfield Farmington Glastonbury Granby...
Halaman 82 - ... 71 60 74 58 61 65 62 52 38 66 48 38 BRADFORD COUNTY.
Halaman 59 - Joshua Hathaway Daniel North Frederick S. Savage Samuel S Bréese Nelson Л. Brooks Benjamin Niebet Benjamin Hyde John Billings Augustine G.
Halaman 69 - William Wickes Zachariah Hawkins Jeremiah Miller Jeremiah Moore Nathaniel Miller Alvin Squires Zophar B.
Halaman 42 - Samuel Patch Henry Burt Samuel King Samuel Van Campen John S. Wright Frederick Wcstfall Reuben H.

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