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The Council took into Consideration the returns of justices for the County of Berks, Lancaster, and Chester, and thereupon,

Ordered, That Henry Christ, Jacob Shoemaker, James Read, Daniel Heister, Peter Spycker, Jacob Weaver, John Ludwig, Benj'n Shott, Chris'r Schultz, Samuel Ely, Jacob Waggoner, Dan'l Rotherwiell, and John Old, Be appointed Justices of the Peace for the County of Berks, and were Commissioned accordingly.

A Draft in favor of Gibbs Jones on the Treasurer of the State, was issued for the Sum of Seven Pounds, seventeen Shillings and six Pence for Candles, purchased for the use of the Council.

Mr. William Stewart, Commission dated October 18th, 1777, Peter Hoofnagle, Esq'r, attended in Council, and took the Oaths required by the Constitution to Qualify him for the execution of the offices of Register and Recorder for the County of Lancaster, and Received his Commission. Robert Smith attended, in like manner, and took the Oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to act as Sheriff for the County of Chester, and received his Commission.

Colo. Antill laid before the Council a Resolve of Congress.. A Letter was written To Mr. Reed, requesting him to return and take the Qualifications.

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The Council Met.

PHILAD'A, Tuesday April the 1st, 1777.


His Excell'y THO'S WHARTON, jun'r, Esq'r, President.
Hon'ble GEORGE BRYAN, Esquire, Vice President.

John Evans,

Jonathan Hoge,

John Lowdan,

On motion,

John Hubley,

George Taylor, and Esquires.
John Proctor,

Ordered, That A writ be issued for electing a Councellor to represent the County of Bedford in this Council, to be returned on the twelfth of May next, The writ to be directed to Thomas Coulter, Cornelius M'Cawley and George Ashman, Esq'rs, of that County. On motion, agreed That Joseph Redman, Sen'r be appointed Clerk of the Market of this City.

Letter from Mr. Campbell declining to take the Oaths.

The Council Met.

PHILAD'A, Wednesday April 2d, 1777.


His Excell'y THO'S WHARTON, jun'r, Esq'r President.
Hon'ble GEORGE BRYAN, Esquire, Vice President.

John Evans,

George Taylor,

John Lowdan, and
John Proctor,


John Hubley,

A representation being made to the Council that Mrs. Galloway was apprehensive of her being insulted by the populace on account of the Conduct of her Husband; Thereupon Ordered, That the Sheriffs and Magistrates of the County of Berks exert themselves for the preventing any insult which may otherwise be offered to Mrs. Galloway, or injury to her effects.

On motion, agreed that William Atlee, Esq., be appointed one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of this Commonwealth.

John Connolly, a prisoner confined in the Goal of this City, be permitted to retire to the Plantation of James Ewing, Esq., giving security himself in Two Thousand Pounds, and Two Freeholders in One Thousand Pounds each, this Security being given for his good behaviour, and that he will continue within five Miles of the same, vizt: That John Connolly do not either write to, speak or Correspond with any person or persons whatsoever, employed by or under the Authority of the King or Parliament of Great Britain, nor to or with any person or persons unfriendly to the United States of America, knowing them to be such, nor take up Arms, or employ or procure any other person or persons to take up Arms against the said States, or aid or assist the Enemies thereof in any sort whatsoever, nor do or say any matter or thing, directly or indirectly, which in any wise is or may be injurious to the said States or any of them: And that the said John Connolly do confine himself on the Plantation of the above named James Ewing, and within five Miles of the said Plantation, situated in the County of York, and the same whereon the said James Ewing now dwells, and that he, the John Connolly, shall be and appear before the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth, when thereto he shall be required, then the above obligation shall be void, or otherwise remain in full force and virtue.

The Council Met.

PHILAD'A, Friday April 4th, 1777.


His Excell'y THO'S WHARTON, Jun'r, Esq'r, President.
Honorable GEORGE BRYAN, Esq'r, Vice President.

John Evans,
George Taylor,

John Hubley,?
John Proctor,


A Letter from the Hon'ble John Handcock, Esq., President of Congress, enclosing a Letter from His Excellency General Washington, containing Intelligence from the Enemy at New York, was laid before the Council.

Ordered, That a Copy of the Letter from General Washington be immediately sent to the Board of War.

Ordered, That Expresses be immediately sent to Northumberland and Cumberland Counties, with the Sub-Lieutenants' Commissions.

The Continental Board of War laid before the Council The examination of James Molessworth, who was executed as a Spy.

Ordered, That the Secretary write To Richard Tea, Esq'r, and request his attendance in Council.

On motion, Agreed, That James Reed, Esq'r, be appointed Prothonatory of the County of Berks, and that he be Commissioned accordingly.

On motion, Agreed, That Walter Shee be appointed Collector of the duties of Tonnage.

Agreed that a Prothonatory for the County of Chester be chosen by ballot; and Benjamin Jacobs was elected and appointed Prothonatory of the County of Chester.

Agreed that Jonathan Bayard Smith be appointed Prothonatory of the City and County of Philadelphia, and that he be Commissioned accordingly.

Mr. Isaac Hazelhurst represented to the Council that a Sum of Money, the property of Robert & N. Hyde & Company, of Manchester, had been lodged in his hands by William Wild, and that he had given a bond to the Committee of Inspection of Philadelphia, to be accountable to this Council for the said Money, and Prays that the said Bond may be Cancelled.

Colo. Francis Gurney, who was acquainted with that transaction, being called before the Council and examined, and there appearing no sufficient reasons for detaining the said Money any longer; thereupon,

Ordered, That the said Bond be delivered up to Mr. I Hazlehurst.

The Petition of Capt. Blewer, Mr. Milton, Mr. Gardner and Doctor Phile, were read.

On motion, Agreed that a Naval Officer be balloted for; whereupon, Doctor Frederick Phile was chosen and appointed Naval Officer for the Port of Philadelphia.

A General Commission of the Peace for the County of Chester was issued this day, dated the 31st March, 1777, and the Dedimus Potestatem for the same County was also made out, dated April 10th, 1777.

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On motion, Agreed, That Richard Bache, Esq'r, be added to the Board of War.

Agreed that the Delegates of this State apply to Congress to call out the Militia of Pennsylvania, that the sense of Congress be taken on the Number necessary, and for how long time; And as the Militia has lately been out, and many of them are disgusted that the Non Associators of this State have not yet been compelled to contribute any thing towards the Association, or in support of the American cause, and that some of the Associators have screened themselves from the service of the last Campaign; And they complain very heavily that the burthen lays entirely on those who are willing to go forth there is also great complaints of some of the Militia being obliged to go home without their Pay; the opinion of Congress is desired whether a Bounty ought not to be given, and how much.

Frederick Phile appeared and took the Oaths required by the Constitution of this State, to Qualify him for the Naval Office; thereupon,

Ordered, That a Commission be made out to Frederick Phile, as Naval Officer for the Port and District of Philadelphia.

Mr. Jonathan Bayard Smith acquainted the Council that the Representatives of this State desired a conference with the Council, which the Council agreed to, and Mr. Morris, Mr. Robberdeau, Mr. Jonathan Bayard Smith, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Clymer, were introduced into the Council Chamber. They laid before the Council the information received by Congress respecting the probability of

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Gen'l Howe's intention of marching across New Jersey to this City. Gen'l. Armstrong having resigned by Commission as Lieutenant of the County of Cumberland; Thereupon,

Agreed, That Ephraim Blaine, Esq'r, be appointed and Commissioned as Lieutenant of the said County of Cumberland.

On motion, Agreed, That John Armstrong, Esq'r, be appointed first Brigadier General for the State of Pennsylvania. Agreed, That John Cadwallader, Esq'r be appointed second Brigadier General of the State of Pennsylvania. Agreed, That James Potter, Esq'r be appointed Third Brigadier General of the State of Pennsylvania. Agreed, That Samuel Meredith, Esq'r, be appointed Fourth Brigadier General of the State of Pennsylvania.

Ordered, That the Brigadier Generals be immediately Commissioned.

The Board of War informed the Council that the Hundred Thousand Dollars borrowed of Congress, and put into their hands, is expended, and that there are many of the Troops prevented from Marching, and the Recruiting and other Public Business interrupted for want of Money, and therefore, they request a Supply of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars; thereupon,

Agreed, That the Board of War of this State be empowered to apply to Congress for the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the purpose aforesaid.

Mr. Hubley, Representative in this Council for the County of Lancaster, presented to the President a resignation of his Seat in Council; thereupon,

Ordered, That a Writ be immediately made out and directed to the Sheriff of the County of Lancaster, authorizing and commanding him to hold an Election for the choosing a Councellor in the room of Mr. Hubley; on motion,

Agreed, That John Hubley, Esq'r, be appointed Prothonotary of the County of Lancaster, and that he be Commissioned accordingly.

Agreed, That John Hubley, Esq'r, be appointed Clerk of the Orphans' Court of the County of Lancaster, and that he be Commissioned accordingly. John Hubley, Esq'r, appeared and took the Qulifications required by the Constitution to Qualify him for the said Offices he was Commissioned accordingly.

The Navy Board presented a List of Officers, whom they recommended to be Commissioned on Board the Navy, as follows: Fire Sloop Etna, Capt. William Clerk; Fire Brig Volcano, Lieut. William Rogers; Fire Ship Strombulo, Lieut. James McKnight; Arnold Battery, 1st Lieut. Thomas Fell; Effingham, 1st Lieut. James Kirk Patrick; Thunder Guard Ship, Capt. Francis Gilbert; Dragon Do., Capt. Benjamin Thompson; Lyon Do., Capt. Henry Martin; Resolution Do., Capt. William Lyell; Repulse Do., Capt. John Harrison; Argus Do., Capt. Nathanl. Galt; Viper Do., Capt. Stephen Beasley.

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