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have a common seal, and may alter or change it at their pleasure; they shall be capable in law, by the name aforesaid to purchase, receive secure and dispose of any estate, real or personal, for the use of said Academy.

Sec. 2. That the stockholders in said corporation, or so many of them as may see fit. shall meet in said town of Circleville on the first Saturday of April annually, to transact the necessary business, and shall then and there elect by ballot, from among the stockholders seven trustees for the ensuing year. who shall serve until their successors are chosen and qualified; and at all elections each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of ten dollars of the stock he or she may own in said corporation, and the person having the highest number of votes shall be elected; but if by neglect or casualty an election should not be held on the day hereby appointed for the annual election. the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved. but an election may be held at any time within one year thereafter, and for that purpose a meeting of said corporation may be called by a notice signed by any three of the stockholders in said corporation, and inserted in some newspaper printed in said town of Circleville, or posted up in three public places in said town, at least one week previous to the day of holding such elec


Sec. 3. That the trustees of said corporation, any four of whom shall in all cases be a quorum, shall annually appoint from their own body, a president and secretary; and from among the stockholders, not of their own body, a treasurer for said corporation And it shall be the duty of the presi dent to preside at all meetings of the stockholders and of the board of trustees. to act as judge at all elections held. under the provisions of this act, and to direct at what house and at what hour the same shall be held; he shall have power to call a meeting of the board of trustees whenever he shall think it necessary, by giving personal notice to each; he shall also notify the stockholders of the time and place of holding the annual election, at least six days previous to the day by this act appointed for holding such election by posting up a notice, attested by the secretar at two public places in said town of Circleville, or by inserting the same in some news. paper printed in said town: And the secretary shall faith. fully record all the proceedings of the board of trustees and of the stockholders when duly assembled; and when requir ed shall submit his records to the inspection of any of the stockholders; he shall also be clerk of all elections held under the provisions of this act, and shall perform such other

duties as may from time to time be required of him by the board of trustees And the treasurer shall give bond to the president, with such penalty and such security as the trustees hall require, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as treasurer of said Academy, and shall collect and receive all monies that may be due to said corporation and pay them out on the order of the trustees, attest by the secretary and settle with the oard of trustees as often as

they shall r quire.

Sec. 4. That the board of trustees shall have power to make and establish such rules and by laws consistent with the constitution and laws of the United States and of this state as they may from time to time think expedient and necessary for the proper regulation of said corporation and management of said Academy; they shall have power to direc what branches of literature and of the arts and sciences shall be taught therein; to employ such professors and teachers allow them such compensation, and continue them for such a length of time as they may judge proper, to regulate the admissio and government of students in said Academy to expel any disorderly tudent, to fill all vacancies which may be occasioned by the death, resignation or removal of any officer of the corporation, to appoint a president and secretary pro tempore, when the absence of these officers or either of t em, shall make such appointment necessary; to call a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation whenever they may deem it expedient, by a notice for that purpose, att sted by the secreta y and posted up in two pub, lic places in said town of Circleville, or inserted in some newspaper printed in said town, six days previous to the day of said meeting, and to impose such fine, not exceeding two dolar on any member of said corporation for refusing to accept any office to which he shall have been duly elected or appointed or for refusing to perform the duties thereof, as they may deem reasonable and every person so fined who shall neglect to pay the same to the treasurer of said corporation, within six months after a demand n him made, shall forfeit to said corporation one share of his stock therein. And it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to visit all schools kept in said Academy at least once every three months, and examine into the progress of the students; they shall have the management and disposal of the funds and property of said corporation and power to make all such purchases. sales and contracts as may in their opinion be expedient for the benefit of said institution: Provided that no purchase or sale of real estate shall be made by the trustees

without the consent of the stockholders expressed by a vote equal to two thirds of all the shares in sai corporation.

Sec. 5. That all process against said corporation shall be by summons, and the service thereof shall be by leaving an attested copy with the president at least ten days before the return day thereof.

Sec. 6. That stock in said corporation may be transferred new shares created, and new members admitted upon such conditions and under such restrictions as the trustees shall think proper to prescribe and not otherwi-e: Provided that when any property shall be given to said corporation for a particular purpose specified by the donor, the same shall be applied to that purpose and no other: Provided a so that no part of the funds of said corporation shall be applied to the purpose of banking or to any other purpose save that of supporting said Academy

Sec. 7. That until the first stated election to be held under this act, the persons named in the first section of this act, shall be and they are hereby vested with a the powers of trustees of the Circleville Academy, and shall so continue until their successors are elected and qualified.

Sec. . That the corporation hereby created shall be subject to such alterations and restrictions as any future legislature may think proper to make.

This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

December 22, 1824:

Speaker of the Senate.

An Act to amend th act, entitled "an act, to provide for laying out and constructing a road from Cleaveland to the Ohio river.".

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, That Samuel Cowles, Frederick Wadsworth, and John Straghan, the commissioners appointed to lay out and construct the aforesaid road, or the survivor or survivors, suc cessor or successors of such commissioners, as aforesaid, be and they are hereby authorized to make such alterations of the location o said road, as to them may appear needful and proper; and they shall cause a survey of any new location f any part of such road, to be made and recorded in the

same manner they were bound, to cause the original location of such road to be recorded-and they shall in like manner make a description of the parts of the former location of said road, between the intersecting points of any new location, which they may intend to vacate; which shall be recorded together with such new location: Provided that such new locations be all made within two years, and that no new location shall be made so as to vacate any part of said road, which shall have been made, nor in such manner as to impair the funds for making the same

Speaker of the House of Representatives

January 14, 1825.

Speaker of the Senate.

An Act to incorporate the college of Alma, in the town of NewAthens, in the county, of Harrison.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, That John Rhea, Šalmon Cowles, John Walker, Da vid Jennings, William Hamilton, John M'Cracken, John Wiley, James Campbell, David Campbell John Trimble, John Whan, Daniel Brewcaw, Alexander McNary, Alexander Hammond, and their successors, are hereby created a body corporate to be styled the Trustees of the Alma college of New-Athens," with full power to confer degrees, to acquire, hold and transfer property, real and personal, make contracts, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in their corporate capacity, to make, have and use a common seal and the same break, alter or destroy at pleasure; but it is expressly declared, that the powers hereby given shall not be used in or construed to extend to contracting for. or ac. quiring any property, real personal or mixed, or for dealing any otherwise, than in their corporate capacity, and in such things only as may be necessary and proper for said college, and the whole property and estate of said corporation shall be applied exclusively and solely to that purpose, and the said corporation shall not deal in exchange, discount of notes, or commercial business or pursuit.

Sec. 2. That the Alma college shall be located in the town of New Athens, in the county of Harrison, and all the monies, funds and estate, hereby vested in the Trustees thereof, or which may be hereafter acquired by them in

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their corporate capacity, shall be held, used and employed for corporate purposes only.

Sec. 3. That the before named trustees shall have power to fill all vacancies in their own body, appoint a chairman of their own board. and to appoint a president and professors and such other officers and servants under them as they may think necessary, to hold their offices under such rules and regulations as the trustees may prescribe, and pay the presi·· dent, professors and other officers, such compensation for their services as they may think proper: and the Trustees shall have full power and authority to make by-laws, rules and regulations for the better government of said college, as they may think expedient, and the same annul, alter or amend: Provided, l'hat said by laws, rules and regulations be not repugnant to the constitution or laws of this state, or of the United States, nor inconsistent with the principles laid down in this act, as fundamental laws for the govern ment of said college, and the said Trustees shall have full power and authority to do and perform any lawtul matter and thing which they may think conducive to the good of the institution and consistent with the state of the funds thereof.

Sec. 4. That the following rules shall be the fundamental laws of said corporation-first, that a majority of the Trustees shall constitute a board competent to transact bu siness, to make pro tempore appointments, except the per manent appointments or the removal of officers in which case the concurrence of two thirds of the whole board shall be necessary-secondly, no religious doctrine peculiar to iny one sect of christians shall be inculcated by any professor in said college, and that in no case the number of Trustees shall exceed twenty-one.

Sec. 5. That the first meeting of the trustees hereby appointed, shall be held at the Academy in the town of NewAthens. on the first Tuesday of April next, and the said Trustees shall have two stated meetings each and every year thereafter, and should any trustee or trustees, hereby appointed or hereafter to be chosen, refuse to serve after having received notice of his appointment or shall fail to attend for the term of one year, on such refusal or failure, the seat or seats of such trustee or trustees may be declared by the board to be vacant, and they may proceed to fill such vacancy or vacancies as herein provided: Provided however, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to take away the right of ary future Legislature to alter or amend this charter.

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