UA23 HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES PAUL J. KILDAY, Texas EIGHTY-SIXTH CONGRESS First Session CARL VINSON, Georgia, Chairman CARL T. DURHAM, North Carolina O. C. FISHER, Texas PORTER HARDY, JR., Virginia CHARLES E. BENNETT, Florida A. PAUL KITCHIN, North Carolina LESLIE C. ARENDS, Illinois LEON H. GAVIN, Pennsylvania WALTER NORBLAD, Oregon 3 A 34 JAMES E. VAN ZANDT, Pennsylvania ALVIN E. O'KONSKI, Wisconsin FRANK C. OSMERS, JR., New Jersey CHARLES E. CHAMBERLAIN, Michigan A. FERNÔS-ISERN, Puerto Rico PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 13 Full committee consideration of H.R. 2260, to extend until July 1, 1963, the induction provisions of the Universal Military Training and Service Act; the provisions of the act of Aug. 3, 1950, sus- 203 Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee report; resolutions appointing Utilization of Manpower Subcommittee, and Central 207 Subcommittee No. 1 hearings on H.R. 4413, a bill to provide im- proved opportunity for promotion for certain officers in the naval Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3368, a bill to extend the special enlistment programs provided by sec. 262 of the Armed 431 Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3365, to authorize the crediting of certain service for purpose of retired pay for non- 475 Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3367, to amend title 10, United States Code, by repealing sec. 7474, which grants to the Secretary of the Navy the authority to establish rates of wages 513 Full committee consideration of H.R. 4413, H.R. 3412, H.R. 3413, H.R. 3323, H.R. 3290, H.R. 3291, H.R. 3292, H.R. 3293, H.R. 3368, and H.R. 3365, appointment of special subcommittee to consider H.R. 3387; and report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee No. 1 consideration of H.R. 3322, H.R. 3320, and Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3366, to authorize the extension of loans of naval vessels to the Governments of Italy Full committee consideration of H.R. 3322, H.R. 3320, H.R. 4068, Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3369, to amend title 10, United States Code, with respect to active duty agreements for Reserve officers, and for other purposes. 781 Full committee consideration of H.R. 5132, to amend title 10, United States Code, with respect to active duty agreements for Military and naval construction-H.R. 4414, and H.R. 5674. Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3321, to amend title 10, Subcommittee No. 1 consideration of H.R. 6268 and H.R. 5836. Full committee consideration of H.R. 5836, H.R. 6268, and report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee. Subcommittee No. 2 consideration of H.R. 6190, H.R. 5927, H.R. 697, H.R. 4656, and H.R. 5569. Full committee consideration of H.R. 942, H.R. 5927, H.R. 697, H.R. 4656, H.R. 6190, H.R. 5569, H.R. 3321, H.R. 88, House Concurrent Resolution 86, and Report of Real Estate and Con struction Subcommittee. Subcommittee No. 2 consideration of H.R. 6500, to amend Public 25 1747 Full committee consideration of H.R. 7508, to amend title 10, nautics and Ordnance. Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee consideration of Acquisition of Wherry housing projects. Report of Special Subcommittee on Acquisition of Wherry Housing. Amendments to Reserve Officers Personnel Act, H.R. 5083 and Subcommittee No. 2 consideration of H.R. 2934, H.R. 5888, House Concurrent Resolution 166, and H.R. 7943. 32 2487 Full committee consideration of H.R. 2934, H.R. 5888, H.R. 7943, Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 3923 and H.R. 6269. Subcommittee No. 2 consideration of H.R. 7862, H.R. 2449, H.R. Subcommittee No. 3 consideration of H.R. 1695, for the relief of Full committee consideration of H.R. 7862 (S. 2210), H.R. 2247, 16 INDEX Abrams, Brig. Gen. C. W., USA (H.R. 3368)- Authorizing instruction at U.S. Military Academy of two citizens of Authorizing instruction at Naval Academy of two citizens of Belgium Page 2575 2576 Report to full committee__ 2498 Active duty agreements for Reserve officers (H.R. 3369). 581 Agnew, David W. (H.R. 697). 1710 Aircraft, authorizing Secretary of Navy to furnish supplies and services to foreign (H.R. 3292) 362 Air Force officers, promotion of certain (H.R. 8189). 2503 Ahroon, Rear Adm. T. A. (H.R. 4414) 1073 Allen, Brig. Gen. Chester R., USMC (H.R. 4414) 1071 Alley, Thelma L., and Dorothy E. Green, for relief of (H.R. 5836) 1682 of dependents under certain conditions (H.R. 3322). 549 Antarctica, authorize medal for persons who served as members of expedi- tion to (H.R. 3923). 2509 Arkansas, State of, conveyance of Hot Springs Army and Navy General Hospital to (H.R. 6190) -- 1693 Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952: Amending to extend special enlistment program (H.R. 3368). Barrett, Hon. William A., statement of re H.R. 7862. Belgium, permit instruction at Naval Academy of two citizens of (S.J. Res. Boards of medical officers, appointment of (H.R. 3320). 558 Boards of review of discharges and dismissals, relating to review of military records (H.R. 88) 1735 Boston Naval Shipyard, transfer of portion to Massachusetts Port Au- thority (H.R. 5888). 2470 Boy Scouts of America, Fifth National Jamboree (H.R. 7). 1643 2585 Page Boy Scouts of America, World Jamboree, 1959 (H.R. 296)-- 1643 H.R. 4414.. 1437 Boyles, Charles H. (H.R. 2260). 120 Brackett, Lt. Col. Arthur A., USAF (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083) 2034 Brainard, Mrs. William E. (H.R. 2260). 160 Brooks, Hon. Overton, committee resolution honoring. 10 Broome, Maj. Norris, USMC (H.R. 3320). 563 Brown, Maj. Arthur E., USA (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083) Army Disposal Project No. 126A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex--- 1778 Acquisition of Wherry housing. 1850 Bureau of Naval Weapons, to establish (H.R. 7508) 1747 H.R. 5083 2178 Burkholder, Lt. Col. J. B., USA (H.R. 6269) 2537 Caputo, Vincent F., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ord nance Depot, Houston, on, Tex-- 1782 Career Compensation Act, amend to authorize payment of transportation and travel allowances to escorts of dependents under certain conditions Central Intelligence Agency Subcommittee, resolution appointing. 205 197 Chaplains, Navy, eliminating requirement that each make annual report to Secretary of Navy (H.R. 3290). 371 Chew, Capt. John L., USN (H.R. 4414) 1008 Churchill, Brig. Gen. Walter A., USMCR (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083)---- 2028 Cipriano, Maj. Noel J., USA: H.R. 5836 1682 H.R. 1695. 2561 Civilians, to establish rates of wages for certain employees of naval activities (H.R. 3367). 475 Clexton, Vice Adm. Edward W. (H.R. 7508). 1757 at Yorktown, Va. (H.R. 7943) 2481 Colglazier, Robert Wesley, Jr., appointment as permanent brigadier general, Regular Army (H.R. 3412) 338 |