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among men." To realize the ideas of the founder it was resolved by the directors of the establishment to institute various scientific investigations, and to send a copy of the published results of these to each of the principal libraries of the world. To carry out this idea it was necessary to appoint paid agents in various parts of the Old World through whom the publications of the Institution might be distributed, and those of foreign institutions received in return. This system was soon afterwards extended so as to include the publications of all the learned societies of the United States, Canada, and South America, with those of the Old World. This has now been successfully carried on for upwards of a quarter of a century, and has been so enlarged as to embrace the institutions of almost every part of the civilized world, as exhibited in the following table.*

The expense of this system of exchange which has enriched all the principal libraries of the United States and of foreign nations has been borne entirely by the Smithsonian Institution, and now amounts to nearly seven thousand dollars annually. This expense, however, would be much greater were it not for the generous co-operation of various American, British, French, and German steamship companies, which carry the packages without charge for transportation. As a further extension of the system, Congress has directed that fifty copies of each of its annual publications be given to the Institution for exchange with foreign governments.

In view of the foregoing statements, I do not think it in the least degree probable that the Government of the United States would think it advisable at present to establish a special bureau for co-operating in the plan proposed by the congress of geographical sciences.

I may say, however, in behalf of the Smithsonian Institution, that it will cheerfully co-operate with the system proposed as soon as it has succeeded in establishing its organization, and also that if, at any time, the Government of the United States chooses to assume the expense of a purely national establishment, the Institution would devote the money it now expends in this direction to other objects connected with the "increase and diffusion of knowledge among men."

I have the honor to be, yours, respectfully,

JOSEPH HENRY, President National Academy and Secretary Smithsonian Institution. Hon. B. H. BRISTOW,

Secretary of the Treasury.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, D. C., May 29, 1876. SIR: I herewith inclose a copy of a note, dated the 22d instant, which has been received from Sir Edward Thornton, the British minister at this capital, respecting the interchange of official documents between this country and Great Britain, wherein, referring to certain circulars on this subject received by him from you in November last, he inquires whether the Smithsonian Institution is acting in behalf of the Govern ment of the United States in this matter.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

Prof. JOSEPH HENRY, &c., &c., &c.


*This table omitted, as not here important.


Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Fish.

WASHINGTON, May 22, 1876. SIR: I have the honor to inclose copies of two circulars which I received in November last from Professor Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, relative to the exchange of official documents between the Governments of the United States and of Her Majesty. I forwarded copies of the circulars to Lord Derby, but as it does not appear that any formal arrangement has yet been made between the two governments for the general exchange of official documents, his lordship has directed me to inquire whether the Smithsonian Institution is acting on behalf of the Government of the United States. I shall have much pleasure in conferring with you upon this subject during my next visit to the State Department with a view to ascertain more precisely what would be the British official documents which the United States Government would desire to receive in exchange for those of this country.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your obedient servant, EDWARD THORNTON. Hon. HAMILTON FISH, &c. &c.

Washington, June 2, 1876.

DEAR SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo, and the accompanying letter from Sir Edward Thornton, relative to the question whether the Smithsonian Institution is acting in behalf of the Government of the United States as agent in the exchange of public documents between the government of this country and that of Great Britain.

As a reply to this question I beg leave to refer you to the acts of Congress approved by the President of the United States, March 2, 1867 (Stat., vol. xiv, p. 573); July 25, 1868 (Stat., vol. xv, p. 260); sec. 3796 Rev. Stat.

As to the question what official documents the United States Government desires to receive from Great Britain, I would say that as the United States Government intends to send a full set of everything that is printed at the government expense, a similar return would be expected of all documents published by the British Government. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary Smithsonian Institution.


Secretary of State.

The Portuguese commissioners to the president of the Belgian commission.

LISBON, March 1, 1877.

SIR: The agreement signed August 12, 1875, by yourself and the Portuguese commissioners on the occasion of the geographical congress at Paris, is without doubt the most valuable result of that scientific and truly international reunion which has contributed in so efficacious a manner in drawing closer the intellectual relations already established between the nations there represented.

The scientific library and art exchanges organized, in a sure and permanent manner, in aiding unquestionably in the rapid and thorough diffusion of science, ought to create indissoluble bonds of union between

the different groups of the human family-bonds which cannot fail to be most profitable to the great cause of civilization.

True to its agreement, and convinced of the immense advantages which must spring up for all nations from the realization of so generous a thought, the Portuguese Government has appointed a commission provisionally charged with the organization of the service of scientific, literary, and art exchanges on such a basis which should not sensibly deviate from that which we have the honor to communicate to you herewith, and which has been accepted by the commissioners residing at Paris, who constitute an international committee.

Our commission, however, composed of the undersigned, and provided with the necessary power by a decree of the ministry of foreign affairs, and of which inclosed you will find the translation, held that it should first address itself to the signers of the agreement of August 12, for the purpose of informing them of its organization and of requesting them to furnish the necessary information which it needs for a proper discharge of the duties with which it is intrusted.

It is with a view to the accomplishment of this, for us so honorable, mission, that we beg you, sir, to communicate to us the ideas and resolutions of your government on this point; also, what steps should be taken to establish promptly and surely the service of scientific, literary, and art exchanges between Portugal and Belgium, on a permanent, official, and as extensive a basis as possible.

It is also our duty to inform you that the Portuguese Government has instructed its representatives abroad to communicate to the govern ments to which they are accredited the establishment of our commission of international exchanges, and also the names of the members of which it is composed.

Accept, sir, the assurance of our most distinguished consideration. MARQUIS DE SOUZA HOLSTEIN. JOSÉ JULIO RODRIGUEZ.

Circular of the Belgian commission to the learned societies of Belgium.

We have had the honor of explaining to you in a former circular, which was addressed to you in 1873, that by royal decree of May 17, 1871, a commission was appointed charged with the organization of a system of exchange between Belgium and foreign countries, of either writings in every branch of intellectual activity or reproductions of the principal monuments, or the most valuable objects in connection with the graphic or plastic arts. This commission has been divided in three sections; the second, representing the interests of literature, bibliography, and numismatics, has inaugurated its labors by the publication of a catalogue in which is contained a statement of all periodic publications issued in Belgium by learned societies, the departments, associations, and private individuals. In the preparation of this list our section made use of the documents transmitted by you in answer to the above-named circular. This list appeared in the course of the year 1874 under the title of "Introduction to the bibliography of Belgium, Brussels. Henry Manceaux." At the instance of our section the gov ernment has also accorded its patronage to the same publisher for a bibliography of Belgium. After having taken other steps with a view to the completion of its organization, our section has now finally been placed in the position of commencing active operations. We have been

able, consequently, upon the agreement signed by the delegates of twenty-two nations at the geographical congress at Paris in 1875, to enter into relations with several committees already established abroad. The time has arrived for us to ask you that you will indicate precisely what you are able to place at our disposal from among the publications issued by your society since its foundation, be it from the stock on hand or from future continuations of series, informing us of the number of copies still at your disposal, as also their price.

It is understood that the publications now issuing as well as the following numbers are to be furnished at the subscription price. In regard to those of previous years we trust that, in consideration of the fact that it would increase the number of subscribers for your publications, you will settle upon a moderate price, so that we may be able to accept of it.

At some future time when we shall have received from foreign countries catalogues of works we may procure from them we shall have the honor of communicating it to you so that you may indicate which of the works would be desirable for you. In the majority of cases we shall make return in kind of what you have furnished us; but the amount for those you will have asked of us and we furnished will be deducted and your account will be settled every year.

What we expect of your courtesy at present is the indication of the material for exchange which we may procure from your society. Accept, &c., &c.





Washington, March 23, 1877.

SIR: I inclose herewith, for your information, a copy of a dispatch of the 7th instant, No. 138, from Mr. Pierrepont, the minister for the United States at London, relating to the subject of international exchange of public documents.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Washington, D. C., &c., &c., &c.


Assistant Secretary.

No. 138.]


London, March 7, 1877.

SIR: I received sometime since from Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institution, a letter in relation to the international exchange of documents between the United States and Great Britain, and inclosing a circular upon the subject.

I was not able conveniently to bring the matter to the attention of Lord Derby until the 20th of October last, when I sent to him a copy of Dr. Henry's letter and circular, and requested him to refer the subject to the proper authorities.

He acknowledged the receipt of my communication on the 31st of October, but it was not until the 1st instant that I received from his lordship a definite answer to Dr.

Henry's proposal, a copy of which answer I herewith inclose, and ask that you will do me the favor to communicate it to Dr. Henry.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant.


Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c., Washington, D. C.


Lord Derby to Mr. Pierrepont.

FOREIGN OFFICE, March 1, 1877.

SIR: With reference to my letter of 31st of October last, I have the honor to acquaint you that the proposal of the Smithsonian Institution for an interchange of documents between the United States and this country has been considered by the lords of Her Majesty's treasury, and that they have informed me that they do not think it expedi ent to agree to an unlimited and indiscriminate exchange of papers, the greater part of which would be only of local and temporary interest.

Arrangements have been made for the purchase for Her Majesty's government of the Congressional documents issued from year to year, which appear to include all that is required for the use of this department.

I have accordingly the honor to request that you will be so good as to inform Professor Henry that Her Majesty is grateful for the offer made by the Smithsonian Institution, but are not prepared to euter into an arrangement for the unlimited interchange of documents suggested in his letter to you of the 21st of July last.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,

Hon. EDWARDS PIERREPONT, &c., &c., &c.


JUNE 3, 1878.

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 15 inclosing a communication from W. E. Johnston, M. D., in ref erence to the subject of international exchanges between the United States and France.

In reply I beg to inform you that this institution has been for a num ber of years charged by Congress with the duties of exchanging its offi cial publications and those of the various departments of the United States Government for similar publications of foreign governments, France among the number.

This institution has also for a still longer period maintained a much more comprehensive and extended system of communication between learned societies and specialists of the New World and those of the Old, receiving serial and other publications from South and Central America, the West Indies, and the British provinces of North America, as well as those of the United States, and transmitting them through its agents abroad. These, in turn, receiving any parcels from the countries represented by them for transmission to any portion of America likewise through the Smithsonian Institution.

An especial element in the Smithsonian system of international exchanges consists in the employment of a number of agents in different portions of Europe, a list of whom is herewith inclosed. It will be seen that the agent of France is Mr. Gustav Bossange, well-known bookseller, of Paris.

It will be entirely agreeable to the Smithsonian Institution to adopt any plan of communication between the United States and France that may be considered an improvement upon the present, although it could

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