The Works of the English Poets: Congreve and FentonH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Halaman 10
... spread , Each lily folds its leaves , and hangs its head . On every tree the bloffoms turn to tears , And every bough a weeping moisture bears . Their wings the feather'd airy people droop , And flocks beneath their dewy fleeces stoop ...
... spread , Each lily folds its leaves , and hangs its head . On every tree the bloffoms turn to tears , And every bough a weeping moisture bears . Their wings the feather'd airy people droop , And flocks beneath their dewy fleeces stoop ...
Halaman 12
... spreads around , " Shewing all radiant bright the facred ground . " While from her tomb , behold , a flame afcends " Of whiteft fire , whofe flight to heaven extends ! " On flaking wings it mounts , and quick as fight " Cuts through the ...
... spreads around , " Shewing all radiant bright the facred ground . " While from her tomb , behold , a flame afcends " Of whiteft fire , whofe flight to heaven extends ! " On flaking wings it mounts , and quick as fight " Cuts through the ...
Halaman 18
... spread , And William's banner on the breach difplay'd , X. Hark , the triumphant fhouts from every The skies with acclamations ring ! Hark , how around , the hills rejoice , And rocks reflected Ios fing ! Hautboys and fifes and trumpets ...
... spread , And William's banner on the breach difplay'd , X. Hark , the triumphant fhouts from every The skies with acclamations ring ! Hark , how around , the hills rejoice , And rocks reflected Ios fing ! Hautboys and fifes and trumpets ...
Halaman 98
... spread the dewy grafs like streams of light : As if the fun had of his beams been fhorn , And caft to earth the glories he had worn . A fight fo lovely fad , fuch deep distress , No tongue can tell , no pencil can express . And now the ...
... spread the dewy grafs like streams of light : As if the fun had of his beams been fhorn , And caft to earth the glories he had worn . A fight fo lovely fad , fuch deep distress , No tongue can tell , no pencil can express . And now the ...
Halaman 106
... spread , With friendly fhade around my restlefs bed ? Can no complainings thy compaffion move ? Is thy antipathy so strong to love ! O no ! thou art the profperous lover's friend , And doft uncall'd his pleasing toils attend . With ...
... spread , With friendly fhade around my restlefs bed ? Can no complainings thy compaffion move ? Is thy antipathy so strong to love ! O no ! thou art the profperous lover's friend , And doft uncall'd his pleasing toils attend . With ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Amyntas arms beauteous beauty blefs breaſt bright caufe charms cry'd Dæmon dear defire deſpair earth eaſe Epode Ev'n eyes face facred fafe faid fair fame fate fear feas feek feems feen fenfe fhade fhall fhining fhould fighs fight filent fing fire firft firſt fix'd flain flowers flowing tears foft fome fong foon forrow foul fpring freſh ftill ftrait fuch fudden fung fure fwain fweet goddeſs gods grace grief grove heart heaven himſelf honour Jove laft lament laſt lefs light lov'd lyre maid moft moſt mourn Mufe muft Muſe muſt ne'er numbers nymph o'er Otreus paffion Phaon Phoebus Pindar plain pleafing pleaſe pleaſure praiſe Priam Procris purſued rage raiſe reft rife Sappho ſhall ſhe ſkies ſpread ſtate ſtill ſtreams tears tender thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou Venus verfe weeping Whilft whofe Whoſe youth