PALINODE. How engaging, how endearing, Is a Lover's pain and care! Women wife increase defiring, By contriving kind delays ; And advancing, or retiring, All they mean is more to please. A B S E N CAE. ALAS! what pains, what racking thoughts he proves, Who lives remov'd from her he deareft loves! F ALSE though fhe be to me and Love, For ftill the Charmer I approve, Though I deplore her change... In hours of blifs we oft have met, They could not always last; And though the prefent I regret, I'm grateful for the past. SONG IN DIALOGUE, FOR TWO WOMEN. I I. Love, and am belov'd again, Strephon no more shall sigh in vain ; I've try'd his faith, and found him true, And all my coyness bid adieu. 2. I love, and am belov'd again, Yet ftill my Thyrfis fhall complain; 1. Men will grow faint with tedious fafting: 2. And both will tire with often tafting, When they find the blifs not lafting. 1. Love is compleat in kind poffeffing. 2. Ah no! ah no! that ends the bleffing. CHORUS OF BOTH. Then let us beware how far we consent, And granting defire We feed not the fire, But make it more quickly expire. SONG. TELL ELL me no more I am deceiv'd; That Chloe's falfe and common: I always knew (at least believ'd) She was a very woman; As fuch, I lik'd, as fuch, carefs'd, But, oh! her thoughts on others ran, THE GRA PETITION. RANT me, gentle Love, faid I, Bleffings greater none can have, Art thou not Amynta's flave? Ceafe fond mortal, to implore, For Love, ev'n Love himself 's no more. CR S RUEL Amynta, can you fee II. In ambush their the traitor lay, Whom much fecurity beguiles. SEE, fee, the wakes, Sabina wakes! And now the fun begins to rise; Lefs glorious is the morn that breaks From his bright beams, than her fair eyes. II. With light united, day they give, But different fates ere night fulfil: How many by his warmth will live! How many will her coldness kill! Occafioned Occafioned by a LADY's having writ VERSES in Commendation of a POEM which was written in Praise of another LADY. HARD is the talk, and bold the adventurous flight, Of him, who dares in praife of beauty write; a For when to that high theme our thoughts afcend, And he, who, praifing beauty, does no wrong, Written after the Deceafe of Mrs. AR A BELLA HUNT, under her Picture drawn playing on a Lute. WER ERE there on earth another voice like thine, SONG. |