Whose foaring genius now fublime afpires, approves refufe. The great Creator foon the grant refolves, But ftedfast view'd, and fix'd, and fed his eyes, And thus the god the heavenly fair bespoke. } "To thee, immortal Maid, from this blefs'd hour, "O'er Time and Fame, I give unbounded power, "Thou from Oblivion fhalt the hero fave; "Shalt rife, revive, immortalize the brave. "To thee, the Dardan Prince fhall owe his fame; To thee, the Cæfars their eternal name. Eliza, fung by thee with Fate shall strive, "And long as Time in facred verfe furvive. "And yet, O Mufe, remains the nobleft theme; The firft of men, mature for endless fame, “ Thy 46 Thy future fongs fhall grace, and all thy lays, "Thenceforth, alone shall wait on William's praise. "On his heroic deeds thy verse shall rise; "Thou fhalt diffufe the fires that he fupplies. 66 Through him thy fongs fhall more fublime afpire ; "And he, through them, fhall deathlefs fame acquire: "Nor Time nor Fate his glory fhall oppofe, "Qr blaft the monuments the Mufe beftows." This faid; no more remain'd. Th' ethereal hoft Again impatient crowd the cryftal coaft. The Father, now, within his spacious hands, ON MRS. ARABELLA HUNT, SINGING. L IRREGULAR I. O D E. ET all be hufh'd, each softest motion cease, And every ruder gafp of breath Be calm, as in the arms of death. And thou, moft fickle, moft uneafy part, Thou bufy, idle thing, to heave. Be Be foftly stay'd: Let me be all, but my attention, dead. II. Come, all ye love-fick maids and wounded swains, A wondrous balm between her lips fhe wears, And this through every ear she can impart, Your very tendereft moving fighs forbear, III. And lo! Silence himself is here; Methinks I fee the midnight god appear, An ancient figh he fits upon, Whofe ་ Whose memory of found is long fince gone, Like a thin mantle, ferves to wrap A wreath of darkness round his head he wears, Where curling mists supply the want of hairs: While the still vapours, which from poppies rise, Bedew his hoary face, and lull his eyes. IV. But hark! the heavenly sphere turns round, And Silence now is drown'd In ecstacy of found. How on a fudden the still air is charm'd, And every foul with transport fill'd, And with what speed and care Defcending angels cull the thinnest air! Haste then, come all th' immortal throng; And liften to her fong; Leave your lov'd manfions in the sky, And hither, quickly hither fly. Your lofs of heaven nor fhall you need to fear; While the fings, 'tis heaven here, V. See how they crowd, fee how the little cherubs fkip! While others fit around her mouth, and fip Sweet Hallelujahs from her lip, Thofe lips, where in furprize of blifs they rove; So exquifite a feast, Of mufic and of love. Prepare then, ye immortal choir, And with her voice in chorus join; Her voice, which next to yours is most divine. To notes, which only fhe can learn, and you can teach : Are wrapt in fweet forgetfulness Of all, of all, but of the prefent happiness :: For ever to be dying fo, yet never die. PRIAM'S |