Song 56 Occafioned by a Lady's having writ Verfes in Com- mendation of a Poem which was written in Praise Epigram written after the Deceafe of Mrs. Arabella Lute Hymn to Harmony, in Honour of St. Cecilia's Day, 1701 ibid. ibid. Verses to the Memory of Grace Lady Gethin, occa- fioned by reading her Book, intituled Reliquiæ Epitaph upon Robert Huntingdon, of Stanton Har- court, Efq. and Robert his Son To Mr. Dryden on his Tranflation of Perfius to fee the Old Batchelor, after having feen the 74 Double Dealer Epilogue at the Opening of the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-market with an Italian Paftoral Prologue to Pyrrhus King of Epirus The Tears of Amaryllis for Amyntas. A Pastoral, lamenting the Death of the late Lord Marquis of Blandford 93 To Cynthia, weeping, and not speaking. Elegy. 99 Amoret Lesbia Doris To Sleep. Elegy To Sir Godfrey Kneller, occafioned by L--- Y---'s Picture 102 103 ibid. 106 108 Of Pleafing; an Epiftle to Sir Richard Temple 142 146 On Mifs Temple, afterwards Lady of Sir Thomas 149 A Pindaric Ode, humbly offered to the Queen, on the victorious Progrefs of her Majesty's Arms under the Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. To which is prefixed a Difcourfe on the Pindaric Ode 151 To the Right Honourable the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain. Pindaric Ode 164 An Impoffible Thing. A Tale 169 The Peafant in Search of his Heifer. A Tale, after Mr. De la Fontaine 176 Homer's Hymn to Venus: Tranflated into English Nerfe 177 ELIJAH B Y FENTO N. To the Right Honourable CHARLES, Earl of Orrery, thefe POEMS are most humbly dedicated by his Lordship's moft obliged, and most obedient Servant, E. FENTON. "Augur, & fulgente decorus arcu "Corporis artus ;————————▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ "Alterum in Luftrum meliufque femper I. BEGIN, celeftial fource of light, To gild the new-revolving fphere; And from the pregnant womb of night, 0 3 HOR. Rich |