Requisite Organization: A Total System for Effective Managerial Organization and Managerial Leadership for the 21st Century

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Cason Hall, 1996 - 137 halaman
In the global business world, REQUISITE ORGANIZATION stands as a beacon for a scientific approach to organizing corporations. Based on Jaques's latest research, the forthcoming second edition is a thorough revision of REQUISITE ORGANIZATION, (1989), a book that has established itself as the outstanding contribution to the development of effective managerial leadership systems. Jaques challenges current methods & assumptions in the field of organization, leadership & management, & presents a unified total management system built upon a rigorous theoretical base, Stratified Systems Theory, that makes it possible to relate all aspects of leadership, work & human resourcing into a coherent whole. Elliott Jaques, M.D. (Johns Hopkins), Ph.D. (Harvard), Professor Emeritus of Social Science at Brunel University, England & qualified as a psychoanalyst at the British Psycho-Analytical Society, has continuously combined work with organizations & with individuals - in industry, commerce, public service, education, the Church of England & the U.S. Army. He is the author of eighteen books. In THE CHANGING CULTURE OF A FACTORY (1951), he introduced the concept of business culture. He is also recognized as the originator of the term "mid-life crisis," in a scholarly paper, DEATH & THE MID-LIFE CRISIS, originally published in 1965. Order from: Cason Hall & Co., 51 Monroe Street, Suite 608, Rockville, MD 20850. Editorial Offices: 301-738-8200, Orders 1-800-448-7357, FAX 301-738-8203.

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Achieving Effective Organization for Sustained Success
Requisite Organization Managerial Leadership and Society
The Managerial Accountability Hierarchy MAH
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