Psychometric TheoryMcGraw-Hill, 1978 - 701 halaman |
Introduction | 3 |
The first edition of Psychometric Theory was far too warmly received for | 4 |
discuss methods that were only mentioned in Chapter 8 of the first edition | 11 |
Hak Cipta | |
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actual applied approach assumptions attitudes attribute average correlation behavioral centroid Chap clusters coefficient concerning construct validity content validity correlation matrix correlations among items covariance criterion cross products developed deviation scores dichotomous discriminal discussed distribution domain employed equal estimate example experimenter factor analysis factor loadings formula frequently guessing Guttman scale human abilities hypotheses ICC theory important individual differences inferential statistics interval scale investigations judgments linear combination logic mastery learning mathematical mean measurement error ML method multidimensional scaling multiple correlation number of items obtained scores orthogonal particular percent personality traits possible predictive problem psychometric Q sort rank-order ratio scale relationship reliability responses rotated factors sample self-inventories shown speed standard deviation standard scores statistical stimuli studies subjects Suggested Additional Readings Table tend tion total scores trace lines true scores types usually values variance vectors weights zero