Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving ParentsBantam Books, 2000 - 241 halaman Discover the gentle art of Infant Massage... In this completely updated version of her renowned classic, Vimala McClure, founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, and its premier proponent in the United States, helps you master the techniques of infant massage so you can incorporate this joyful and wonderful healing art into your baby's life. She shows you why a daily massage can be one of the greatest gifts you give your child...and yourself. For generations mothers the world over have known that the soft stroke of their hands soothes, calms, and communicates their love to their babies. Now scientific research proves that massage can do all that and more. In Infant Massage, McClure shares how massage benefits children--easing discomfort, releasing tension, helping premature infants gain weight, even helping asthmatic children improve breathing function. She explains each step of the massage process with simple easy-to-follow instructions and delightful photographs demonstrating each stroke. You'll also find: Specific routines tailored to help relieve colic, fever, chest and nasal congestion Modified instructions for premature infants and babies with special needs Helpful hints on dealing with crying and fussing Lullabies, rhymes, and games to enhance the massage experience Guidance for teaching children about "good touch" A special chapter dedicated to fathers Compassionate advice for foster and adoptive parents And much more |
Why Massage Your Baby? | 1 |
Your Babys Sensory World | 15 |
Bonding Attachment | 23 |
Especially for Fathers | 37 |
Helping Baby and You | 43 |
Music and Massage | 51 |
Getting Ready | 59 |
How to Massage Your Baby | 69 |
Minor Illness and Colic | 145 |
Your Premature Baby | 157 |
Your Baby with Special Needs | 167 |
Your Growing Child and Sibling | 177 |
Your Adopted or Foster Children | 193 |
A Note to Teen Parents | 203 |
Crying Fussing and Other Baby | 131 |
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
Infant Massage (Fourth Edition): A Handbook for Loving Parents Vimala McClure Pratinjau terbatas - 2017 |
Infant Massage (Fourth Edition): A Handbook for Loving Parents Vimala McClure Pratinjau terbatas - 2017 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
Adoption adults Ashley Montagu attachment Australian Nurses Journal baby massage Baby Signs baby's body become begin behavior belly benefits birth bonding breastfeeding breath caregivers Cerebral Palsy Chapter chest Child Development CIMI colic colicky baby comfort crying cues daily massage Developmental E-mail early emotional environment experience eye contact father feel feet foster fussing fussy gastrointestinal system gently grow healthy help babies hold human IAIM important Indian infant massage infant massage instructor instructor trainer interaction Johnson & Johnson Journal Kangaroo Care knees listening loving touch Lullabies massage routine massage your baby Maternal milk mother myelination neonates newborn Nursing pain parents Pat-a-Cake Pediatrics Perinatal Psychology premature babies Press Psychology regular massage release respond Resting Hands sage sensory sing skin sleep sounds stimulation stress strokes talk techniques tension therapy thumbs tion Touch Relaxation tummy voice warm Website yoga York